
On the Run!!!
2:04 PM 0 comments

End of Week 1

Body Composition Analysis
Before Picture
Here is my starting stats as of October 4 along with a before shot that was taken last Sunday before I started the P90X program. I wanted to have a good baseline of numbers so I can compare my results when I finish the program. Today, I just finished my first week, but I had to modify the days around to accommodate the days I lift. I didn't take measurements but the hell with it. I really don't care about gaining mass but my main goal is to lean up and lose some body fat. I also intend to build my legs up, because according to the Body Composition Analysis, they are pretty weak compared to my upper body. I also haven't ran at all this entire week because I've been busy and it also rained this weekend. Race day for the Half Marathon is next Sunday and I'm so unprepared, but I ain't scared!!!
End of Week 1
8:19 PM 0 comments

Training Time!!!

What's going on everyone... I've been real busy with life and totally forgot about my blog. Thought I would resurrect it and get started with my training. I recently did a 4 hour MTB ride at Hurkey Creek Park in Idyllwild, CA on September, 18. It was only 4 hours, but it really kicked my ass and it was a lot more than I expected. I realized how out of shape I really am. I'll be participating in the Rock N' Roll Los Angeles Half Marathon on the 24th of this month so I have 2 weeks to prepare. I've been running twice a week and I know I'm not really prepared but my attitude about it is to just go for it. Just do it!!! Just like the Nike slogan told me to.
I also plan to start the P90X workout program along with some weight lifting starting this Monday. I will document my progress with as much detail as possible. Stay tuned for updates...
6:04 PM 0 comments

Vibram Five Fingers Review

Hey everyone... I just put up a review on my Vibram Five Fingers KSO... Click on the link on the right to check it out. Thanks for stopping by.
2:36 PM 0 comments

About Me

Hey guys, this is my first post on my fitness blog. I already started the blog on my Drift Car Project, and if you would like to see how that is going, click on The Drive link on the right. First off a little about myself. As you can tell, I really like toys and gadgets. I'm not really an athlete but I enjoy working out and just being outside having fun and doing stuff.  I can't stand being cooped up in the house, but sometimes I will go through my phases and surf the net and play video games for several hours a day. Then I'll realize how much life I just wasted and try to do something productive and to me fitness is always productive. I have several hobbies which include running, MTB, snowboarding, wake boarding, carve boarding, paintball, cars, motorcycles with some occasional rafting, scuba diving and sky diving. I know there are a few other hobbies I'm forgetting along with the sports that I enjoy playing. I'm in no regards a professional in any of these hobbies but rather a jack of all trades, master at none, but with the best gear that money can buy. If you can't do it great, you might as well look good doing it.